إصدارات ويندوز 10 بتحديثات شهر فبراير 2019 /Windows 10 Insider Preview #19H1 [18342.8] AIO 64in2 (x86-x64) by adguard (v19.02.27) [En/Ru]

Windows 10 Insider Preview #19H1 [18342.8] AIO 64in2 (x86-x64) by adguard (v19.02.27) [En/Ru]


أحدث الإسطوانات التجميعية التى تضم جميع إصدارات ويندوز 10
التجميعية على اسطوانة تضم إصدارات نواة 32 أو 64 بت
الاسطوانة من إنتاج الفريق الروسى الشهير أدجارد
جميع النسخ مفعلة مدمج معها آخر التحديثات حتى فبراير 2019

ومتوفرة باللغتين الإنجليزية والروسية

Program Version: 10.0.18342.8 / v19.02.27
Build author: adguard
Interface language: English, Russian

Legalization: Activation Required! (for personal testing, use alternative means of activation)

System requirements:

Processor: 1.4 gigahertz (GHz) or more.
Hard disk space: 20 gigabytes (GB).
Graphics card: graphics card Microsoft DirectX 9 or newer.
Additional requirements for using certain features.
To use the touch capabilities requires a tablet or monitor with support for multi-touch technology.
To access the Windows Store to download and launch applications, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 × 768 pixels.

The assembly is made on the basis of the original English UUP archives. The language was integrated: Russian, integrated on February 27, 2019, and also included .Net Framework 3.5 (including 2.0 and 3.0). The system is completely on the original installer.

en-ru_windows_10_insider_preview_19H1_18342.8_32in1_x 64_v19.02.27_by_adguard.iso
CRC-32: f3df5184
MD5: c33f250977d0c806b1a098dd7dc3d281
SHA-1: 6111496e8c8e1924de94f8ddee5666e889b1a7df
SHA-256: c6b455dfc0b2ef09401b7498e1bd9f03eb42ce42ab7bb56f0e ff6183c801aba7

en-ru_windows_10_insider_preview_19H1_18342.8_32in1_x 86_v19.02.27_by_adguard.iso
CRC-32: c1fb0c52
MD5: 45a9bf447a2d885bfd6d0392f01a26a1
SHA-1: cad7292f57bd6dfb08434bc6a8ac1b6bac6ad3a5
SHA-256: 3782308add6f1c36209bcedbcce4c4a4e83edd1d3fea755ec9 af88323488eabf
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Windows 10 Pro Education N - English
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Education - English
Windows 10 Education N - English
Windows 10 Pro Single Language - English
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions - English
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise - English
Windows 10 Enterprise - English

Windows 10 Home - Russian
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Windows 10 Home Single Language - Russian
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Windows 10 Pro Education - Russian
Windows 10 Pro Education N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Education - Russian
Windows 10 Education N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro Single Language - Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions - English
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise - English
Windows 10 Enterprise - Russian
Windows 10 Home - English
Windows 10 Home N - English
Windows 10 Pro - English
Windows 10 Pro N - English
Windows 10 Home Single Language - English
Windows 10 Enterprise N - English
Windows 10 Pro Education - English
Windows 10 Pro Education N - English
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Education - English
Windows 10 Education N - English
Windows 10 Pro Single Language - English
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions - English
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise - English
Windows 10 Enterprise - English

Windows 10 Home - Russian
Windows 10 Home N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro - Russian
Windows 10 Pro N - Russian
Windows 10 Home Single Language - Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro Education - Russian
Windows 10 Pro Education N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations - English
Windows 10 Education - Russian
Windows 10 Education N - Russian
Windows 10 Pro Single Language - Russian
Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions - English
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise - English
Windows 10 Enterprise - Russian
- Integrated updates on February 27, 2019;
- Enabled .Net Framework 3.5 (including 2.0 and 3.0);
- Integrated language pack: Russian;
- The systems were not audited.
When building, the convert-lite script (v190125) was used.
Attention!!! The assembly is laid out for informational purposes as is and the author is not responsible for any negative consequences!
Update the build via setup.exe - you can only English. When you try to update the Russian system, your programs and personal files may be affected.

Size 3.66 GBSize 2.64 GB

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